ジリアン・マイケルズの名言とその背景 (Jillian Michaels’ Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜Breakthrough barriers and strive for greatness〜

It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort.

And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens.

That’s how change occurs.

Jillian Michaels (ジリアン・マイケルズ)

【About the Quote】

Michaels’ words are a powerful reminder that genuine transformation and change are not born from seeking perfection, but from continuous effort. She introduces the notion that small, daily actions lead to grand outcomes, a principle that applies to every aspect of our lives. This quote serves as a clear, empowering guideline that assures us that it is not our occasional great deeds but our everyday actions that determine our growth and accomplishment.



【About the Icon】

Jillian Michaels is an American personal trainer, businesswoman, author, and television personality. Born in Los Angeles, California, Michaels is best known for her appearances on NBC’s The Biggest Loser. She has promoted a variety of products related to health and diet on her reality TV shows and through her company, Empowered Media LLC. She is recognized as a fitness guru all over the world.


ジリアン・マイケルズは、アメリカのパーソナルトレーナー、ビジネスウーマン、著者、テレビパーソナリティです。カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス出身のマイケルズは、NBCの「The Biggest Loser」の出演で最も知られています。彼女は、リアリティTV番組やEmpowered Media LLCという彼女の会社を通じて、健康とダイエットに関するさまざまな商品を宣伝してきました。彼女は世界中のフィットネスの専門家として認識されています。

【About the Story】

Jillian Michaels had a rough childhood growing up in California, marked by issues with her weight and confidence. Despite this, she remained determined and turned her struggles into motivation, entering the fitness industry to help others overcome similar obstacles. Michaels shares her childhood health struggles in her bestseller book “Master Your Metabolism” to inspire individuals to persevere and fight through their personal barriers.


ジリアン・マイケルズは、カリフォルニアで苦しい幼少期を過ごし、体重と自信の問題に直面しました。それにもかかわらず、彼女は決意を持って努力を続け、他の人が同様の障害を克服するのを助けるためにフィットネス業界に入りました。マイケルズは、ベストセラーの書籍「Master Your Metabolism」で幼少期の健康問題を共有し、個々の人々が自分自身の障壁を乗り越えるように努力し、戦い抜くことを奨励しています。
