ペレからの名言とその背後にある思想 (Pele’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜 For those who want to keep moving forward ~
〜 常に前進し続けたいあなたへ 〜

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”

“You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.”

“There is always something you have to give up to get everything you want.”

“Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place – that is, the unique you.”
「決して戦いを止めてはなりません。あなたが目指すべき場所に到達するまで – それはつまり、唯一無二のあなたです。」

Pele (ペレ)

【About the Quote】

Pele’s quotes about success resonate deeply with many because of his own impressive accomplishments in the world of soccer. He emphasizes that success does not happen by accident, but is the result of hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, and sacrifice. Most importantly, he highlights the element of passion – loving what you are doing or learning to do. To reach our dreams, we must be willing to fight, sacrifice, and work hard. We must understand that in order to have everything we want, inevitably something must be let go. Above all, we must maintain confidence and never stop battling until we become uniquely ourselves.


ペレの成功に関する引用は、彼自身のサッカー界での印象的な成果により、多くの人々に深く響きます。 彼は成功が偶然に起こるものではなく、困難を乗り越えること、学ぶこと、学び、犠牲を払うことの結果であることを強調しています。 最も重要なのは、情熱の要素–やっていることや学ぼうとしていることを愛すること–を強調しています。 夢に到達するためには、戦うこと、犠牲を払うこと、そして一生懸命働くことを喜んで引き受けなければなりません。我々が欲しいすべてを持つためには、必然的に何かを手放さなければならないことを理解する必要があります。何よりも、自分だけの自分になるまで、自信を維持して絶えず闘い続けることが重要です。

【About the Icon】

Edson Arantes do Nascimento, known worldwide as Pele, is regarded as one of the greatest soccer players of all time. Born on October 23, 1940 in Brazil, Pele grew up in poverty but his exceptional talent in soccer quickly became apparent. At the age of 16, he started his professional career with Santos Football Club, and his mesmerizing performances soon put him on the global map of sports. Throughout his career, Pele played in four FIFA World Cup tournaments and is the all-time leading scorer for Brazil with 77 goals. His determination, perseverance, and exceptional football skills have made him an iconic figure in the sports world.



【About the Story】

Throughout Pele’s novel story, beyond his extraordinary achievements in the soccer pitch, what inspires even more is his journey from hardship to worldwide fame. Born into a poor family, becoming a global icon was far from the immediate realities of his childhood. Instead of surrendering to his circumstances, however, he worked hard and never stopped fighting to actualize his dreams. His actions off the field reflect the very quote he stated, reinforcing the world to never stop working hard for one’s dreams, to continue fighting and keep moving forward no matter how difficult the journey may be.


