ヘレン・ケラーの名言とその背景 (Helen Keller’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜Your abilities are limitless〜

Believe in yourself and all that you are.

Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

Helen Adams Keller (ヘレン・アダムス・ケラー)

【About the Quote】

Helen Keller’s words here are a testament to the resilience and determination of human spirit. In the face of adversity, she persevered and defied odds to establish herself. The quotes optimistically encourage us to believe in ourselves and that within us are possibilities greater than any obstacle we may face, and that our character — our soul — strengthens and refines itself through trials and sufferings.


ヘレン・ケラーのここに書かれた言葉は、人間の精神の回復能力と決意を表しています。逆境の中で、彼女はじっくりと時間をかけて困難を乗り越え、自己を確立しました。この名言は、私たち自身を信じることを勇気づけ、私たちの中にはどんな障害よりも大きな可能性があること、そして、私たちの性格 – つまり私たちの魂 – は、試練と苦しみを通して強くなり、洗練されることを明るく教えています。

【About the Icon】

Helen Keller was an American author, political activist, and lecturer who became the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. Despite her significant physical limitations, Keller travelled to more than 40 countries with her companion, Anne Sullivan, advocating for persons with disabilities. Until her death in 1968, Keller continued to exist as a powerful symbol of courage and determination.



【About the Story】

Born on June 27, 1880, Keller fell ill when she was 19 months old and was left both blind and deaf by her disease. With the help of her teacher Anne Sullivan, Keller not only learned how to communicate, but she also became the first deaf-blind person ever to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. Beyond this, she was a prolific author and a tireless advocate for persons with disabilities, leaving a legacy that continues to inspire millions around the world today.


