ウィリアム・エラリー・チャニングの名言とその背景 (William Ellery Channing’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜Push through the obstacles in your path〜
〜 obstaclesを乗り越えるあなたへ〜

“Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.”

“We acquire the strength we have overcome.”

“And even if we don’t succeed, we’ve tried and would have gained experience and learnt.”

William Ellery Channing (ウィリアム・エラリー・チャニング)

【About the Quote】

Channing’s words here are a rich seam of wisdom, reminding us that difficulties aren’t there to discourage us, but to drive us forward, to rouse our spirits. Moreover, they remind us that the human spirit grows stronger and more robust in the face of conflict and adversity. It promotes the idea that our strength comes from the challenges we conquer. Even if we don’t succeed at first, we’ve tried and that in itself is a victory from which we can gain valuable experience and lessons.



【About the Icon】

William Ellery Channing was a key figure in the Unitarian movement in the early 19th century, which rejected the strict Calvinistic doctrines of original sin and predestination, instead advocating for a more progressive and rational interpretation of Christianity’s teachings. He is also known for his understanding of human nature as essentially good and perfectible. Channing was an exceptionally passionate personality, known for his fiery sermons and for his stance against slavery.



【About the Story】

Born in Newport, Rhode Island, Channing came from a family of religious, political, and social notoriety. He suffered from poor health throughout his youth and adulthood, which led him to thoughtful introspection and a developed spirituality. His seminal sermon “Unitarian Christianity,” delivered in 1819, solidified the tenets of Unitarianism in America. He was an ardent abolitionist and an advocate for women’s rights.


ロードアイランド州ニューポートで生まれたチャニングは、宗教的で政治的で社会的に有名な家族の出身でした。彼は若さと成人期を通じて健康状態が悪く、それが彼を思慮深い introspectionと発達した spiritualityに導きました。「ユニテリアン・クリスチャン」の彼の代表的な説教は、1819年に行われ、アメリカのユニテリアン主義の教義を固めました。彼は熱心な廃奴主義者であり、女性の権利の擁護者でした。