ダニエル・ウェブスターの名言とその背景 (Daniel Webster’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】


“There’s always room at the top.”

Daniel Webster (ダニエル・ウェブスター)

【About the Quote】

This quote by Daniel Webster is an inspiring testament that there is always space and opportunity for anyone to excel and rise to the top, regardless of their current position or circumstances. It is a battle cry for continuous improvement and progress. It reaffirms that the path to success is often above us, pressing us to reach out, climb, and surpass our own limitations.



【About the Icon】

Daniel Webster was a powerful American political figure during the early 19th century. He was known for his compelling oratory and unabashed advocacy for strong federal government and economic protectionism. Webster served in the U.S. House of Representatives for New Hampshire and Massachusetts, was a U.S. Senator, and served as Secretary of State for Presidents William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, and Millard Fillmore.


ダニエル・ウェブスターは19世紀初頭のパワフルなアメリカの政治家でした。彼は、力強い演説と、強力な連邦政府と経済保護主義を公然と支持する態度で知られていました. ウェブスターは、ニューハンプシャー州とマサチューセッツ州の米国下院議員を務め、米国上院議員としても活躍し、ウィリアム・ヘンリー・ハリソン大統領、ジョン・タイラー大統領、ミラード・フィルモア大統領の国務長官を務めました。

【About the Story】

Daniel Webster grew up in a family of modest means in New Hampshire and despite facing hardships, he went on to become a prominent figure in American history. He is remembered for his part in the Second Bank of the United States case, for his “Seventh of March” speech advocating compromise to prevent a civil war, and as Secretary of State, its diplomacy focusing on relations with Britain.

