Doe Zantamata(ドー・ザンタマタ)の名言とその背景

【Quote 名言】

〜Pursuing happiness and positive change〜

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed.

Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.

Lives change like the weather. I hope you remember today is never too late to be brand new.

Doe Zantamata (ドー・ザンタマタ)

【About the Quote】

Doe Zantamata’s quotes bring a surge of energy and motivation to whoever reads them. Through the wisdom in her words, she highlights the importance of our actions and the impact they have on our lives and the world around us. No matter how small an action, it is significant as it can bring about a change. She also underscores the hidden potential within us that becomes apparent in times of darkness. Zantamata encourages us to indulge more in activities that consume us to the extent that we forget our worries and stresses like checking our phones. Lastly, with her inspiring words, she gives a ray of hope to people through her belief that no matter the circumstances, it is never too late to start anew. She does this with the simple analogy of the weather, equating life with its changeability.



【About the Icon】

Doe Zantamata is not a globally famous figure, which perhaps makes her quotes all the more relatable. She did not come from a family of influential personalities nor did she have a career that made headlines. She is, in fact, a very simple woman living an ordinary life. But what sets her apart is her understanding of life and the lessons she has learned from her experiences. These learnings are what she shares with the world through her quotes.



【About the Story】

Doe Zantamata did not always have an easy life. She’s faced numerous challenges and difficulties, yet she never lost hope or let go of her positive outlook on life. This is perhaps one of the reasons why her quotes resonate so strongly with people. Despite not being a traditionally “successful” person, with wealth and fame, her wisdom and perspective on life have left a powerful impact on many.


