ウォルト・ホイットマンの名言とその背景 (Walt Whitman’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜To those of you who need a little push to chase your dreams〜

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.”

It’s a reminder that brighter days are ahead, and that even when things seem tough, the sun will always rise again.

Stay positive, keep your eyes on the goal, and let the shadows of doubt and fear fall behind you.

Walt Whitman (ウォルト・ホイットマン)

【About the Quote】

Whitman’s quote is a beautiful symbol of optimism. It reminds us that no matter how challenging life gets, if we remain positive and look to the brighter side of things, our spirit will never be shadowed. Like the sun that always shines above, lighting up everything, we must keep our spirits high even when situations are not favorable. To let the shadows of fear and doubt fall behind us is to believe in yourself. It is about moving ahead, not holding onto the past, focusing on the goal, and letting our fears and worries go unnoticed, just like the shadows that fall behind.



【About the Icon】

Walt Whitman is one of the most significant literary figures in American history. He was born in 1819 in New York and grew up in Brooklyn. Whitman had a varied career before he turned to writing–he was a journalist, a teacher, and a government clerk. Always passionate about freedom and human rights, he was deeply affected by the Civil War and these experiences led him to write his most famous book of poetry, “Leaves of Grass”, which celebrated democracy, individuality and freedom.


ウォルト・ホイットマンはアメリカ史上最も重要な文学者の一人です。彼は1819年にニューヨークで生まれ、ブルックリンで育ちました。ホイットマンは作家になる前にさまざまな職を経験しています – ジャーナリスト、教師、政府職員などです。常に自由と人権に情熱を注いでいた彼は、南北戦争に深く影響を受け、これらの経験が彼の最も有名な詩集「草の葉(Leaves of Grass)」の執筆につながりました。この作品では、民主主義、個性、自由を讃えています。

【About the Story】

While most of us know Walt Whitman as a celebrated poet, not many are aware that he was born in a working-class family and worked as a journalist before his poetry took off. Moreover, during the Civil War, Whitman worked as a volunteer nurse in Washington D.C., where he saw the direct horrors of the war, which deeply influenced his writing. This unknown side of his life further fuels the profoundness of his quotes, reminding us to stay positive and keep our faces towards the sunshine, irrespective of the situations we are in.

