ブルース・リーの名言とその背景 (Bruce Lee’s Quotes and Their Background)


【Quote 名言】

〜Don’t be afraid to move forward in your journey〜

Every step you take is a step away from where you used to be.

Don’t be afraid to move forward in your journey – you’re not walking away, you’re moving on.
「進み続けることを恐れないでください – あなたは逃げ出しているわけではない、前進しているのです。」

Even if you stumble, even if you fall, you are still moving.

Never look back, because the past can’t change the future.

Bruce Lee (ブルース・リー)

【About the Quote】

Bruce Lee’s words encourage us to keep moving forward, even when we stumble or fall. While we may be inclined to look back at our past, Lee’s quote reminds us that dwelling on the past will not affect the outcome of our journey. Instead, we must focus on our actions in the present, which will not only help us move forward but also away from where we used to be.



【About the Icon】

Bruce Lee (1940-1973) was an iconic movie star, martial artist, and philosopher. He started training in martial arts from a young age in Hong Kong, then moved to the United States where he continued his studies and started a film career. His most notable movies include “Enter the Dragon” and “Fists of Fury”. However, despite his exceptional martial art skills and film success, Lee’s influence has also extended beyond to carving out his niche in philosophy, demonstrating ancient Chinese wisdom through his prolific quotes.



【About the Story】

Lee’s journey was not always smooth. Just like his quotes imply, he encountered many obstacles, both in his personal and professional life. But what stands out is his unwavering dedication to martial arts and his philosophy of life, which he continued to apply even during the most turbulent times of his life. It was this steadfastness that greatly contributed to what he accomplished and what he continues to represent to this day.



Bruce Lee (ブルース・リー)に関する書籍はこちら