オードリー・ヘップバーンの名言とその背景 (Audrey Hepburn’s Quotes and Their Background)


【Quote 名言】

〜Feel inspired and motivated〜

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, “I’m possible!”
「決して不可能ではない。その言葉自体が「I’m possible(私は可能だ)!」と言っているのだから。」

Believe it can be done. When you believe something, believe it all over, implicitly and unquestionably.

You must be the change you want to see in the world.

I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but they come from within. It is there all the time.

Audrey Hepburn (オードリー・ヘップバーン)

【About the Quote】

Audrey Hepburn’s quotes reflect her positivity and tenacity. She strongly conveys that nothing is truly impossible; even the world ‘impossible’ spells out ‘I’m possible’ if we look closer. Her belief in self and trust that one’s inner strength and confidence can overcome obstacles are inspirational. Hepburn encourages us to believe that we can accomplish our goals if we believe in them wholeheartedly, without any doubt. She emphasizes that we are the catalysts for the changes we want to see in the world, and we need to be that change rather than merely desire it.


オードリー・ヘップバーンの名言は、彼女のポジティブさと執念深さを反映しています。彼女は、本当に不可能なことはないと強く伝えています。世界の「不可能」でも、よく見ると「I’m possible(私は可能だ)」と綴ることができます。彼女の自己信頼と、内面的な強さと自信が障害を克服できるという信念は励みになります。ヘップバーンは、全力で信じ、一切の疑いを持たずに目標を達成できると信じて励ましてくれます。彼女は、私たちが世界で見たい変化の触媒であり、それをただ望むだけではなく、その変化でなければならないと強調しています。

【About the Icon】

Audrey Hepburn was a British actress, model, dancer, and humanitarian who rose to fame in the Hollywood’s ‘golden age’. She was born on May 4, 1929, in Brussels, Belgium. Her breakout role was in ‘Roman Holiday’, which won her an Academy Award for Best Actress. Hepburn is one of the few artists who have won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Award. Besides her acting prowess, she was known for her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Audrey Hepburn passed away on January 20, 1993.



Audrey Hepburn (オードリー・ヘップバーン)に関する書籍はこちら

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